

Why use Find Me Cars?

Find Me Cars has an unbiased friendship with dealers & wholesalers to find the right vehicle for you, at the right price. We can source New & Used Cars for all types of personal & business clients.

We will be able to help you decide which car is right for you. We are up to date with the latest cars and have the mechanical knowledge and contacts within the industry to get feedback from actual mechanics and what issues they face on a daily base with certain cars.

We are proud to offer a Car Finding Service, we know the heartache, trouble and mistakes in buying a used car and we wish to make this a very simple and enjoyable service where you just have to sit back and let our team do the hard work.

Don’t waste time looking for cars and ending up with a Lemon, We can have it check the car you are interested to buy cars and have a range of services that make owning a car much simpler. Ask us about the range of services that make owning a car much simpler.

Please call us to discuss the costs involved and the type of service we can offer you or fill out the below form and we can call you.



Sign up & book your “desired checklist session” with your personal Auto-Specialist


Your Auto Specialist will showcase cars to you that are aligned with your criteria.


Sit back and relax while your Auto Specialist test drives and negotiates for you.

4. BUY

Have the paperwork organised for you, just pick up your car and drive away!

Yes, Help me find a car!

What our clients have to say
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Have a car to sell? Call Today!
0433 960 006

Do you give free advice?

Yes! You can ask us anything. We want you to buy and sell smarter.

How can you help me?

Feel free to get in touch with us to see if we’re a good fit for you and to see how we can help.

When I buy one of your client's cars is it a private sale?

Yes, any car that you purchase with us is a private sale. Prices do not include on-road costs.